Apa salah judul? Enggak kok. HAHAHA. Emang dasar telat aja share di blog. :(
Terus apa itu 12.06.12? Tanggal kiamat? Bukaaan! Penasaran? Entar dulu ya biar penasarannya agak lamaan dikit. :))
Kenapa template blog berubah? Yeaahh, it's a whole new worldddd!! \m/ #padahalkarenabosenaja
Yak, setelah kurang lebih sejam browse templates sana-sini, cuma template ini yang nyangkut di mata. Sisanya ga sesuai selera eke bok~
Banyak sih yang bagus, tapi backgroundnya putih gitu. Gue kan ngefansnya sama item.
Okeh back to title. 120612. Found someone that I hope can brighter my day than before. Hmm.. seiman, perhatian, sayang nyokap, mancung (aduh!). Meski berat badan + tinggi badannya itu masi menang gue (h3h3h3), so what? Ada sih yang nyeritain begitu. "Kok dia mau sih sama yang begitu?" Oh guys, nobody's perfect except God. DIA aja yang perfek ga protes sama anak-anakNya yang cacat sekalipun. Nah elo sendiri yang ga perfek berani komen karya tangan Dia? Huft aja deh buat anda. Wanna have a perfect (body) girlfriend? Get a Barbie! Boyfriend? Get a Ken! 100% plastic! LOL
Dear M,
Thanks for the efforts. Sorry to not telling you straight. I'm not that kind of type. In real, I'm a supershy person! If you ever heard I was stalking someone, I just wanted to see her/his harmony with their girl/boyfriend over the twitter. I wanted to do that but I still can't. Maybe it's not because I can't, I just not feel used to (and kinda shy). I just ever in a re(a)lationship once. But believe me, without words I can prove it to you. God bless us! :)
Here's a lil gift for you:
Nothing much but hope you like it. ;)
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